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Floating Cottage Manga Fish Port


To go on the water with a Floating Cottage is not the most usual thing to do for tourists. Filipino’s however love this activity.

We went on the floating cottage the 30th of March 2024. The sea was calm and it was very hot.

You can rent the whole cottage for 3000P per day.

We had a kind of farewell party and decided to rent a cottage for the whole day. The family prepared food and drinks and of we went!

The starting point is at Manga Fish Port in Tagbilaran. A motor boat tows the cottage about 2-300 meters of the shore and throws out the anchor. Then the boat leaves, but they regularly come and check if everything is going well.

Enjoy swimming, eating and drinking for the rest of the day. In the afternoon the motorized boat tows you back to Manga Fish Port.

There is a special space in the boat where they created a ‘Pool’ for kids.

We had a nice day and we can surely recommend such a trip.